Thursday, November 15, 2007

IRS Blinks on Stance Against Circ. 230 Fees

IRS Blinks on Stance Against Circ. 230 fees

"The Internal Revenue Service has softened its opposition to contingent fees charged by Circular 230 practitioners. Originally, the IRS proposed permitting a contingent fee only in connection with an IRS examination or the challenge of an original return, or an amended return filed before a notice of examination was received.

Under the final rules, a tax practitioner will be allowed to charge a contingent fee for services rendered in connection with the IRS examination of, or challenge to, an original return, or an amended return or claim for refund or credit where it was filed within 120 days of the taxpayer receiving a written notice of the examination, or a written challenge to the original return."

Clcik title above for complete article


Fred_48 said...

Dear Juleit D Gardner
Senior Counsel

I hereby Reported, 'illicit acts by the government and state' through a system of underground transaction and relations' to retain acquisition of Firstland using financial institution to hide convertible investor assets investment capitalists By On Behalf of the petroleum companies, as copyright owners. Challenge by unlawful authority.

The undersigned of the members of the community wish to express our disagreement with the discussion of the Board of Disciplinary Appeals Appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas With legal challenge.

Therefore, I provide information to the Office of Investor Education & Advocacy Washington D C 20549 rules circular 230 Ref; 00D3jxQy.5003Gmhg5; of the Department of Justice as Wages and Investment headquarter, Department of the Treasury- 3949-A fraud’ Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington D C, U S Supreme Court, Tax Court.

Obvious by Acts of scammers, and information services by endeavor to take life by rules of official’

Fred_48 said...